Born in | 1964 in Mendrisio (Schweiz) |
Lives and works | Berlin ( Deutschland) and Lugano (Schweiz) |
1996 | Studies in Cultural Studies, Humboldt University of Berlin (Germany) |
1996 | Teacher training for Fine Arts Sek. I+II, Pädagogische Hochschule Basel (today University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland, FHNW PH) (Switzerland) |
1996 | Diploma in Fine Arts, Lucerne School of Design (Switzerland) (today Lucerne University of Aplied Sciences and Arts) |
(Studied in the drawing teacher’s class and in the class for Fine Arts, today Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts) |
Textohilar. El hilo que entreteje el universo, Sandra Conteras, Museo Textil de Oaxaca, Mexiko, in Cooperation with Sandra Contreras
Auswahl22, Kunsthaus Aarau Schweiz
Ein-Mann-Kabinen-Bohr-Kern-Stapel-Pappe-Rohr-Säule, Solo Exhibition, Linienverzweiger Tuchollaplatz Berlin Lichtenberg Germany
2020 / 21
in aller Munde. Pieter Bruegel bis Cindy Sherman / On Everyone’s Lips. From Pieter Bruegel to Cindy Sherman, Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg (Germany) [Kuratorin Uta Ruhkamp, Catalog]
As Kingfishers Catch Fire. Animalities in Artists´imagination, Gallery of Art Limerick City Ireland, [Curator Austin Mc Quinn, Text]
locken – Anselmo Fox, Pavillon am Milchhof Berlin (Germany), Solo Exhibition, [Text]
infuori – Anselmo Fox, la Rada Locarno, Solo Exhibition, (Switzerland), [Text]
Auswahl16, Kunsthaus Aarau (Switzerland) [Catalog]
animal lovers, neue Gesellschaft für bildende Kunst (nGbK) Berlin (Germany), [Catalog]
was übrig bleibt / Anselmo Fox, Galerie Nord I Kunstverein Tiergarten Berlin (Germany), Solo Exhibition, [Text]
ArtExpo2016 Milano, Jury Award Sculpture Network, (Germany)
Catch oft he Year 2014, Dienstgebäude Zürich (Switzerland)
MehrSalz, Salzhaus Brugg (Switzerland), [Text]
Modell und Utopie, Trudelhaus Brugg (Swiss), [Text]
Auswahl13, Kunsthaus Aarau (Switzerland), [Catalog]
Ausser mir, Galerie Manière Noir, Berlin (Germany), Solo Exhibition, [Text]
Minding Animals Conference, coming out of a snail, Videoscreening, University Utrecht (Netherland)
Um Gottes Willen. Kunst und Religion im Dialog, Stadtmühle Willisau (Swiss), [Catalog]
Auswahl10, Kunsthaus Aarau (Swiss) [Catalog]
Café Endlager, Stuttgart (Germany) [Catalog]
Tierperspektiven Teil 1, Georg Kolbe Museum, Berlin (Germany), [Catalog]
Tierperspektiven Teil 2, Projektraum Souterrain Sammlung Hoffmann, Berlin (Germany), [Catalog]
Tier-Werden, Mensch-Werden Teil 3, NGBK Berlin (Germany), [Catalog]
Auswahl 07, Kunsthaus Aarau (Switzerland), [Catalog]
Anselmo Fox – Im Tal der Mollusken, Kunstpanorama Luzern, Luzern (Switzerland) Einzelausstellung, [Text]
Von der Liebe, Galerie Nord I Kunstverein Tiergarten, Berlin (Germany), [Text]
Heimatflimmern – Exkursion in eine fremde Heimat, Brandenburgischer Kunstverein Potsdam (Germany) in cooperation with Kunstpanorama Lucerne (Switzerland)
Innenwelten – The Inner World, kunst:raum Sylt Quelle, Rantum (Germany). Wissenschaftssommer 2006, in cooperation with the University of Hamburg on the occasion of the Sigmund-Freud-Year
La main dans la main, Kunstverein Salzdetfurth (Germany), [Catalog]
Auswahl 05, Kunsthaus Aarau (Schweiz) [Katalog]
Der Himmel auf Erden – Zeitgenössische Verkündigungsdarstellungen, Kunsthaus Potsdam (Germany), [Text]
Der Kuss, Deutsches Hygienemuseum, Dresden (Germany)
La Bocca Della Verità, Kunstverein Salzdetfurth (Germany), [Catalog]
Wächserne Identitäten. Die figürliche Wachsplastik am Ende des 20. Jahrhunderts, Georg Kolbe-Museum Berlin (Germany), [Catalog]
Machet den Zun nicht zu eng, Bruder Klaus-Museum Sachseln (Switzerland), [Catalog]
EnergieStationen, Kunsttage Dreieich, Stadtgalerie Dreieich-Sprendlingen bei Frankfurt/M. (Germany), [Catalog]
Klanggarten – Vogelfrei IV, Gartenbiennale Darmstadt (Germany), [Catalog]
Corpus Delicti, Galerie Mönch, Berlin (Germany), [Text]
Körperteile – Formen der Fragmentierung / Praktiken der Darstellung, Internationaler Philosophenkongress, [Book], Zahnreif I (Installation), Haus der Kulturen der Welt Berlin Germany (Publication)
Loggia, Künstlerhaus Bethanien Berlin (Germany), [Text]
Vogelfrei III, Darmstadt (Germany), [Catalog]
Salon, Kunsthaus Aarau (Switzerland), [Catalog]
la lingua della lingua, Akademie der Künste Berlin (Germany), [Video Catalog]
Künstler der Galerie schlagen vor 1983, Galerie in Lenzburg (Switzerland)
Art for Architecture
Trottola, Kunst–Bau – Wettbewerb Clayschule Berlin-Neukölln [Final round], (Germany)
Design of the Educational Center Careum Weiterbildung Aarau (Switzerland)
Invited for the Art for Architecture – Contest for the design of the nursing home Buchs (Switzerland)
Awards / Grants / Scholarships / Residencies
2022 Project funding, NeuStartKultur Kunstfonds Bonn (Germany)
2022 Project funding, Kuratorium des Kantons Aargau (Switzerland)
2022 Research Fellowship, Kuratorium des Kanton Aargau (Switzerland)
2021 Project funding, Stiftung Kulturwerk VG Bild / Kunst Berlin (Germany)
2020 Project funding, Kuratorium des Kantons Aargau (Switzerland)
2017 Residency, Stiftung Kunstdepot Göschenen (Switzerland)
2016 Grant and exhibition ArtExpo2016 Milano, sculpture network (Germany)
2013 Project funding, Alexander Tutsek Stiftung (Germany)
Project funding, Kuratorium des Kantons Aargau (Switzerland)
2012 Project funding, Kuratorium des Kantons Aargau (Switzerland)
2011 Project funding, Kuratorium des Kantons Aargau (Switzerland)
2006 Residency, kunst:raum syltquelle, Rantum (Germany)
2005 Grant, Kuratorium des Kantons Aargau (Switzerland)
2002 Project funding, Kuratorium des Kantons Aargau (Switzerland)
1990 Grant, Kuratorium des Kantons Aargau (Switzerland)
1991 Travel Scholarship Kairo, Landis & Gyr-Gesellschaft, Zug (Switzerland) Kairo (Egypt)
Bilder in der Schule, Basel (Switzerland)
Collection Kantonsspital Aarau (Switzerland)
Collection Stiftung kunst:raum syltquelle (Germany)
Academic Teaching Activities / Lectures
Proposed for professorship for fundamentals of design at the department Stadt | Bau | Kultur of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam (Germany)
Proposed for Artistic Workshop Teaching, Molding and Casting, Berlin University of the Arts (UDK) (Germany)
Atem. Gestalterische, ökologische und soziopolitische Dimensionen 1900 – Gegenwart, Kunst- und bildwissenschaftliche Tagung des Instituts für Kunst- und Bildgeschichte und des Exzellenzclusters Matters of Activity an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Der Hauch einer Ahnung, Atem als formgebende Praxis. Artist Talk with Anselmo Fox and Prof. Dr. Friedrich Weltzien. (Book Publication)
Lectureship with Prof. Jörg Hundertpfund, Department of Product Design at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam
Proposed for doctoral studies, teaching and research area „Film Documents as Historical Sources“ and as research assistant at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Hannover, Professor Dr. Peter Stettner, Faculty III, Media, Information and Design
habitate II, lecture on the video installation on the occasion of the exhibition was übrig bleibt / Anselmo Fox, at Galerie Nord | Kunstverein Tiergarten Berlin at the Berlin Technical University of the Arts (BTK) (Germany)
Experiments in public space, teaching unit with Sadhyo Niederberger on the occasion of the Culture Day of the University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland Brugg (Switzerland)
Kunst & Modell, Artist Talk moderated by Paolo Bianchi together with Christine Hunold, Monica Ursina Jäger, Lorenz Schmid, Trudelhaus Baden (Switzerland)
Art in Public Space, Lectureship at the University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland FHNW
Kuss, extrahiert, lecture at the Kunsthalle Luzern, Lucerne (Switzerland)
SOG genannte Bildhauerei, lecture at the symposium for the exhibition Animal Perspective, together with Professor Dr. Mirjam Goller, Georg Kolbe Museum Berlin (Germany)
Kunst und Raum, Lectureship Humboldt University Berlin, on the topic, Master’s seminar
Im Tal der Mollusken, Lecture at the University of Applied Sciences Aargau (Switzerland)
Das Tier in der Kunst, Lecture and teaching unit in the context of the cultural studies seminar Zoo or Letters Not About Animals. Animal Motifs, Animal Narratives, and Animal Scenes, Institute for Slavic Studies, Humboldt University Berlin (Germany)
Das Loch im Engel, Lecture Lucerne School of Art and Design (Switzerland)